Monday, May 21, 2012


Well, everyone, life's a-changing. It's so interesting to look back and see just how much has changed in a year. After graduating from University last year, I have found that my writing has taken a hit - as in, no time to do so. I'm finally doing something about that! Money is becoming tight, and the last thing I want is to be forced into becoming a mindless drone who has lost all memory of what I actually want to do and become. So, I'm going over my stories and ideas, fleshing them out, and deciding where to put them, what to do with them. I'm actually sending in a story (a previous entry, "In Defense of Honor") as a sort of audition piece for a publishing company called Paper Lantern Lit. They have put out some amazing pieces of work, a scant few of which I've actually been able to read. Essentially, they give you an outline of a "spark," and you, if chosen, write it. The process is a bit more complicated than that, I'm sure, but this seems to be the gist. In this new time for me, I get to do some new things, for example, coming up with a writer's resume. There are loads of sources out there for freelance writers, however, very few for actual fiction writers. Editorials, I suppose, are more'd think I would have learned this in one of the million and a half writing classes I took in college! Nope. I learned how to write an inquiry letter, a business resume, but not a writing resume. We shall see how this goes. I shall try to get a few new stories up soon, as opposed to the older stuff (sorry, it's just that I've got so much of it!). For now, though, young master Romeo is requiring my attention. Have a simply lovely day! -Sarah

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